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The construction of the new Holiday


The construction of the new Holiday Inn at 240 Jordan Creek Parkway in West Des Moines, Iowa, was a significant project aimed at expanding the hospitality industry in the area. The Holiday Inn is known for its high standards of comfort and service, and the project sought to uphold these standards by ensuring the quality and durability of the roofing system. The location presented unique challenges due to the need to align with brand standards.


  • Brand Compliance: The Holiday Inn brand has specific architectural and design standards that must be followed to maintain consistency across all its properties. The roofing design and materials needed to meet these standards while providing a distinctive look for the West Des Moines location.
  • Energy Efficiency: To ensure long-term sustainability and operational efficiency, the roofing system needed to be energy-efficient. This involved selecting the right materials and insulation to regulate temperature and reduce heating and cooling costs.


  • Brand-Compliant Design: To meet Holiday Inn brand standards, the roofing design incorporated the iconic Holiday Inn color palette and brand signage. While adhering to brand guidelines, the project introduced distinctive features, such as a unique architectural shape for the roofline, to make the West Des Moines location stand out.
  • Energy-Efficient Roofing: To address energy efficiency, the roofing system included a cool roof design for the flat roof sections. Cool roofing technology reflects more sunlight and absorbs less heat, reducing the need for excessive cooling during hot summer months and lowering energy costs. Proper insulation was also installed to maintain temperature regulation.

By carefully selecting durable roofing materials, maintaining brand standards while introducing distinctive design elements, and incorporating energy-efficient roofing technology, these challenges were successfully addressed. The end result is a roofing system that not only meets the stringent requirements of the Holiday Inn brand but also provides long-lasting protection and sustainability, ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of guests at the West Des Moines location.